Our team of cell-re-active trainers is dedicated to help you find the causes of your discomforts and build strength. We can come to your location and provide a personal service to meet your needs.

Welcome to Cell-Re-Active Training

Imagine if you could unleash your full potential and achieve your goals without anything standing in your way!

Make an appointment

+353 87 949 3425


in Ireland!

Where your health matters!

What actions would you take to turn this into a reality?

Sarah Frosting

Cell-Re-Active Trainer

Cell-Re-Active Training with the Theralogy concept helps to train and repair your cells allowing your body to heal itself naturally!

Phone: +353 87 949 3425

E-Mail: info@strong4life.ie

Sarah Frosting

Cell-Re-Active Trainer

Appointments Monday-Friday

08:00 am - 05:00 pm

Shannon, Co. Clare

2024 Copyright by Sarah Frosting