"Only those who know the goal will find the way!"
Healthy Cells - Healthy Body
A human being consists of 100 trillion cells, which are divided into around 200 cell types. These cells are subject to a regeneration process.
This means that cells are automatically replaced at certain intervals because functioning cells are fundamental for our health.
In relation to the human body as a whole, it can be said that a person's cells are renewed approximately every 7 years.
Skin - 28 days
Muscles - 6 to 9 months
Organs such as the liver - 2 years
Bones - 7 years
The more cells work together synchronously, the more stable the body's function.
Whether we are breathing, thinking, eating or exercising - the cell is the foundation of every type of activity.
Cell-Re-Active Training is a unique opportunity to empower your body cells to increase performance!
100% cell energy
100% health

Phone: +353 87 949 3425
E-Mail: info@strong4life.ie

Sarah Frosting
Cell-Re-Active Trainer