Cell-re-active training: What is it?

True health means being free of blockages!

Imagine the vitality you would experience without any barriers hindering you!

By enabling your body to identify and tackle obstacles, you trigger a natural process where the body actively eliminates blockages permanently - That is what cell-re-active training means!

Cell-re-active training based on the Theralogy concept works on a cellular level and reactivates malfunctioning body cells.

We all know that energy is the secret to peak performance. Cells in our body have the task of generating energy. Three main systems - the Nervous system, the Meridian system, and the Organ system work together constantly in our body on whose work our well-being depends. The optimization of their work increases the cells’ energy production. The better energy production in our cells works, the more stable our health and well-being is.

Phone: +353 87 949 3425

E-Mail: info@strong4life.ie

Sarah Frosting

Cell-Re-Active Trainer

Appointments Monday-Friday

08:00 am - 05:00 pm

Shannon, Co. Clare

2024 Copyright by Sarah Frosting