"Only those who know the goal will find the way!"
Cell-re-active training: How does it work?

3. Post-rest period
A post-rest period allows the body to process the changes optimally.

Step-by-step re-activation
4 steps for active health training:

1. Find inactive cells
Through movement tests we find your inactive cells
2. Cell-Reactivation
Using Redater to reactivate your inactive cells

4. Home training
Sustainable reactivation of the cells by means of home training – a first step towards the sustainability of success.

Human Organs follow a natural cycle of peak activity at a specific times.
Therefore, many cell reactivation are performed easily in the evening or overnight - while sleeping !
Phone: +353 87 949 3425
E-Mail: info@strong4life.ie

Sarah Frosting
Cell-Re-Active Trainer